Kamis, 10 Juni 2010


13 November 2009, the day Friday and promptly at 10 am a snore born borned bor.How happy I am, after 20 years waiting for me!! She was born weighing 1.8 kg and length 52 centimeter.It is true he was born weighing less, but I still brave! Anyway my situation, I still give thanks and promised to care for her as well possible.He must be more than a child born to normal ...
My son's first months in an incubator, with the faithful in the house I accompanied bersalin.Although tears often flowed down my cheeks and prayers always go out of my lip.Since I'm sure God will give the best for my family and my son!
After one full month, doctors said that my son has been able to carry it home, because its development is good! How glad my heart, my inform informe to all the families that my son has recovered .... We gave him the name: Marchel ANUGRAH SAKTI SITORUS .... ..